
Mega Hydro and Engineering commits to safety by following national regulatory requirements, client specifications for the requirements of projects, and current and leading indicators. MHE’s safety record has improved year over year because of the implementation of proper safety measures, regular communication and a commitment on all levels of the organization to safety excellence.

The Principles of MHE’s Safety Standards

Commitment – The safety measures are followed from the top level of the organization starting from Managing Director to all the employees and workers. Our commitment to safety and emergency preparedness keeps our workers safe and builds value and efficiency for our customers.  

Education – Mega Hydro and Engineering educates its employees on company policies and procedures, regulatory requirements, and safest practices to tackle down all the operational risks involved in daily works.

Responsibility – No one takes it lightly when it comes to safety. Each employee is responsible for working safely and ensuring the safety of others. This responsibility includes:

  • Keeping work areas clean and safe from hazards
  • Inspecting machine and tools at frequent intervals as per company’s policy          
  • Asking questions when something is unfamiliar or unclear

Continuous Improvement – We are always striving to improve. Every project brings opportunities to learn from new situations and find ways to do our work better and safer.

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